We all need a little help - Best Financial Friend Skip to main content

You see, we all need a little help...

I went camping to the Murramarang national park last weekend. At night, my friend AJ and I took our blankets and cups of tea to Pebbly Beach and looked up into the awe-inspiring sky. Thousands of stars shining down on us.

As I looked up to the Milky Way, I was struck by how little I know about the stars, the constellations, our universe and the galaxy in general.

I think I could spot one constellation, the Southern Cross and maybe one planet, Mars but that was it.

I never talk about astronomy because I know nothing about it. And generally we don’t like to talk or even ask questions on thing we don’t know much about. Personally, I don’t, because I don’t like to look stupid.

You see, when it comes to astronomy I need a lot of help. I’d say 99.9% need help with astronomy. This got me thinking what else do we need help with?

While only 1% need help learning to run. Maybe 15% need help making a basic white sauce. While most of us (around 80%) need help managing money.

Managing our money is hard

Managing money has become increasingly complex: we are time poor and we have unlimited ways to spend. So, it’s unsurprising that most of us need a little help with money, particularly as humans we are designed to make terrible decisions about money.

There is an enormous amout of financial content available (this only make matter worse).

An ex-colleague o fmine from AMP once told me proudly that they have written over 3,000 pieces on budgeting. It’s like looking up at the stars. It is intimidating. Where do I start?

The 20% of us who don’t need help managing money aren’t smarter than the rest of us. They just generally have a process. They are the same as the astronomer, the white sauce maker and runner. They just have a process.

The help we need isn’t another blog or a book. It’s actually someone to talk to. Someone we trust who will listen to our questions and not judge us. We need someone to take all the information and turn it into useful actionable knowledge.

Lying under the stars

Like my best mate Adrian who loves the stars and knows all the constellations. Adrian patiently listened to my questions. He slowly pointed out the most prominent and famous constellations. With my trusted friend or Astronomy Coach we made our way across the sky. By the end of the weekend I was able to find lots of planets and Alpha Centauri.

So tonight, when I look up at the night sky, I hope I will be able to identify a few more.

You see, we all need a little help…

Pete Lord

Author Pete Lord

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